contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

820 Forest Hills School Rd N
Marshville, NC, 28103

(704) 233-9277

Mephibosheth Farm is nationally recognized by the Professional Association
of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH, Intl).  
Our goal is to share the benefits of horseback riding with those who
experience physical, psychological or developmental disabilities.  
Horseback riding has been shown to improve balance, coordination and
strength.  In addition to these physical benefits participants also
experience increased self-confidence, social awareness and emotional


Volunteers Start Here

Volunteers Start Here

Volunteers are seldom paid: not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.
— Unknown

Volunteering With Angelic Riders

Volunteers are amazing! Thank you for considering becoming one of the most important parts of the Angelic Riders program. Without people like you this program could never inspire giggles, smiles or triumphs. 

If You Are Interested

  1. Complete the volunteer application, fill it out and bring it with you on your first visit.

  2. Call, text or email to arrange for your first visit. We have sessions Tuesday-Friday from 1:00 to 6:00 and Saturday 1:00-4:30 so you will come out during this time. Anticipate that a day and time for serving will be agreed upon so you can actually meet and be involved from the beginning.

Types of Volunteers

  • Regularly Scheduled Volunteers

    • The first thing to consider is whether you have the time to volunteer on a regular, scheduled basis. We ask that everyone volunteering works at least 2 shifts per month (around 5 hrs). We have sessions Tuesday-Friday from 1:00 to 6:00 and Saturday 1:00-4:30. We would love if you would make it a part of your weekly routine! These hours need to be prearranged for so we can insure volunteers for every lesson. We will ask you to decide on your routine before offering you "hands on" training.

  • Short Term Volunteers

    • If you need 10 hours or less for a school assignment, a merit badge requirement or as a member of a volunteer group this is for you. Typically, individuals will be providing labor around the facility such as: cleaning and/or filling up water troughs, cleaning tack, painting, clearing the trails, and other similar tasks based on age and skill level.

  • Volunteer Groups


  • Minimum age for volunteers is 14 years

  • No experience required


  • It’s okay to take some time off, just please let us know in advance. We just need clear communication about whether you wish to remain an active volunteer or not.

  • If you need to be absent from your session, please call or text Michael or Sarah and let them know as soon as possible.

Application Process

*Paperwork is available on-line or in hard copy form at the office*

  1. Complete the appropriate Volunteer Application

  2. Call, text or email to arrange for your first visit. Anticipate that a day and time for serving will be agreed upon so you can actually meet and be involved from the beginning.


Thank you so much for choosing to make a difference!